Friday, February 26, 2010

Keyboard Shortcut of the Week

Change Case - Shift + F3

Changing the case of text you’ve already typed can be time consuming. For example, you may decide that a heading in your document should use “title case” instead of all uppercase. If you have quick fingers, it might seem easiest to just retype the heading in the proper case, rather than fix each word’s capitalization.

The Word 2003 and 2007 the Change Case feature is accessed with Shift + F3 and that lets you toggle among capitalization options:

· Sentence case
· Lowercase
· Uppercase
· Capitalize Each Word (called Title Case in Word 2003)

When one or more full sentences are selected, pressing Shift + F3 will toggle among Upper, Lower, and Sentence case. When a partial sentence is selected (no punctuation mark), Shift + F3 will toggle among Upper, Lower and Capitalize Each Word/Title Case.

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